Kyjovské údolí (Kyjov Valley) with rock trail

Kyjovské údolí (Kyjov Valley) with rock trail

Kyjov u Krásné Lípy
Zip code
Czech Republic
Opening hours



It is a valley of the river Křinice, which was in the past economically significant for floating timber to Saxony. Since the 19th century it has become a popular tourist destination, which is reflected in romantic modifications and names of close natural formations – Bratrské kameny (Brothers’ Stones), Lví jeskyně/Medvědí doupě (Lion’s Cave/Bear’s Den), Klenotnice (Treasury), Jeskyně víl (Fairy’s Cave), Vinný sklep (Wine Cellar).

Memorial plaques of important personalities of the region are embed to rocks in the valley – M.D. Johann Hille, chairman of Gebirgsverein für das nördlichste Böhmen (Mountain Society for Bohemian

Switzerland) from Krásná Lípa, and brothers Eduard and František Bienert, national historians from Šluknov.

Kyjovské údolí (Kyjov Valley) is also a part of the Kögler’s Nature Trail, the oldest nature trail in Bohemia. It was established by a native from Krásná Lípa, Rudolf Kögler, in 1941.

Kyjov, a small village with log houses, is to be found right next to Krásná Lípa. From the parking place start on the red-marked trail, go round Dixův mlýn (Dix’s Mill) along the flow of little river Křinice, to the turn to steep wooden steps. You can climb them up to Kinského vyhlídka (Kinsky’s Outlook). Between the tree tops you can see opposite summits of the hills above the valley. From this point, take the Kyjovská skalní stezka (Kyjov Rock Trail). This is an ingeniously designed trail, leading through rocky terrain with many steps and ladders, but also with many outlooks to different rock formations.

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Aktuality z Českého Švýcarska

It is a valley of the river Křinice, which was in the past economically significant for floating timber to Saxony. Since the 19th century it has become a popular tourist destination, which is reflected in romantic modifications and names of close natural formations – Bratrské kameny (Brothers’ Stones), Lví jeskyně/Medvědí doupě (Lion’s Cave/Bear’s Den), Klenotnice (Treasury), Jeskyně víl (Fairy’s Cave), Vinný sklep (Wine Cellar).

Memorial plaques of important personalities of the region are embed to rocks in the valley – M.D. Johann Hille, chairman of Gebirgsverein für das nördlichste Böhmen (Mountain Society for Bohemian

Switzerland) from Krásná Lípa, and brothers Eduard and František Bienert, national historians from Šluknov.

Kyjovské údolí (Kyjov Valley) is also a part of the Kögler’s Nature Trail, the oldest nature trail in Bohemia. It was established by a native from Krásná Lípa, Rudolf Kögler, in 1941.

Kyjov, a small village with log houses, is to be found right next to Krásná Lípa. From the parking place start on the red-marked trail, go round Dixův mlýn (Dix’s Mill) along the flow of little river Křinice, to the turn to steep wooden steps. You can climb them up to Kinského vyhlídka (Kinsky’s Outlook). Between the tree tops you can see opposite summits of the hills above the valley. From this point, take the Kyjovská skalní stezka (Kyjov Rock Trail). This is an ingeniously designed trail, leading through rocky terrain with many steps and ladders, but also with many outlooks to different rock formations.

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Saxon-Bohemian Switzerland