First aid in the National Park

First aid in the National Park

First aid, solving emergency situations

Integrated rescue system in NP Bohemian Switzerland

What to do in case of a heart attack?

Emergency line of Administration of the National Park Bohemian Switzerland


Integrated rescue system in NP Bohemian Switzerland

Despite the fact that the territory of the National Park Bohemian Switzerland is quite small and the network of the paths is dense, it is good not to underestimate local nature and primarily not to overrate your own abilities. If there is an emergency, you can make use of rescue system on the territory of the national park.

It is a network of five numbered points, which can significantly help mainly in cases when it is not possible to precisely state your position.

Map for the integrated rescue system:

Numbered points in terrain can contribute to giving first aid faster. Feel free to download the map in full definition.

Map of the integrated rescue system

Important numbers:

112 Emergency call (international)

Within the Czech Republic:

150 Fire brigade

155 Ambulance

158 Police

You may not always have mobile signal, especially not in deep valleys. To call help in these cases it is necessary to find an elevated point in the terrain. Given the proximity of state borders, there can be also only foreign operator’s signal available. For emergency call you can use line 112.

Terrain example: Rescue system chart located near a signpost.


Tabulka integrovaneho zachraneho systemu

Detail tabulky IZS: Volající může pro rychlejší orientaci záchranářů uvést číslo bodu, umístěné v červeném kříži.

Integrated rescue system chart detail: For easier orientation of rescue workers, the calling person can state the number of the point, placed in the red cross.

Detail tabulky integrovaneho zachraneho systemu


What to do in case of a sudden heart attack?


Within a project of Emergency medical service in Ústí region there are two automated external defibrillators (AED) which can help save a human life in case of a sudden heart attack. They are placed in the premises of Pravčická brána – restaurant Sokolí hnízdo, and in Edmundova soutěska (Edmund’s Gorge) by Hřensko. More information about the project "Časná defibrilace v Ústeckém kraji", including a map of all registered AED in Ústí nad Labem region is here.

Click here to watch the instruction video (3 min 43 s)

Emergency line of Administration of the National Park Bohemian Switzerland

On emergency line of Administration of the National Park Bohemian Switzerland number +420 603 990 000 visitors can report less serious events, e.g. finding stray pets or farm animals, impassableness of tourist marked trails (fallen trees or rocks) etc.


Saxon-Bohemian Switzerland